Updates and Information

Goldwater Institute Sues the Town of Payson

We are beyond thrilled. Enough of the abuse of the emergency ordinance.  The Goldwater Institute has filed suit.  The cause of action is based on the use of an emergency clause.  That cause was part of our original complaint.  Co-Plantiff Nichols asked for dismissal when the Town filed a counterclaim against Plaintiffs Transparent Payson and […]

Town of Payson
Updates and Information

Over budget 51%, KMOG Show, FOIA Update

Transparent Payson had the opportunity to appear on KMOG.  As always, we appreciate their generosity.  During the show we stated that citizens should not be surprised they don’t get everything promised by the current Town Council.  In this post, we calculated that a minimum of $85m would be required. Ordinance 964‘s total is $54.3 million.  […]

Updates and Information

An appearance on KMOG and a Court Update

KMOG has always been very generous with airtime to our group, and their generosity continues.   Access to local media is essential for voter involvement and engagement, but accessing non-biased media can be challenging.  Jeffrey Aal and Paul Frommelt will be in the studio on Saturday, the 7th, at 9:00 a.m.   Counsel for Transparent Payson, Tim […]