Updates and Information

Representative Democracy – Don’t let them fool you.

The Payson Roundup recently had an article discussing a Tea Party meeting where Transparent Payson was a guest.  The Roundup gives Transparent Payson too much credit.  “You can explain a lot about Payson town politics at the moment by listening to Aal’s critique.”  No critique would be necessary if the Town listened to voters’ will. The […]

Updates and Information

An appearance on KMOG and a Court Update

KMOG has always been very generous with airtime to our group, and their generosity continues.   Access to local media is essential for voter involvement and engagement, but accessing non-biased media can be challenging.  Jeffrey Aal and Paul Frommelt will be in the studio on Saturday, the 7th, at 9:00 a.m.   Counsel for Transparent Payson, Tim […]