Payson Roundup
Updates and Information

An Open Letter to the Payson Roundup and Council Member Nossek

The Roundup published an opinion by Council Member Nossek that took exception to voters’ rights.  Mr. Nossek targeted his address at me.  The Nossek opinion was removed from publication.  The opinion was on the heels of an article by Mr. Aleshire that attempts to lay the dysfunction of Payson politics at my feet.  While flattering, […]

Updates and Information

Representative Democracy – Don’t let them fool you.

The Payson Roundup recently had an article discussing a Tea Party meeting where Transparent Payson was a guest.  The Roundup gives Transparent Payson too much credit.  “You can explain a lot about Payson town politics at the moment by listening to Aal’s critique.”  No critique would be necessary if the Town listened to voters’ will. The […]

Updates and Information

Time to vote! Let the incumbents know what you think.

Transparent Payson has become a voting rights group in defense of Propositions 401 and 402. Voting can be divided into many categories: rights, the consent of the governed, collective wisdom, and a host of various reasons, each equally compelling. They all share one element: voting is essential! Citizens can make decisions on complex issues. No […]

Updates and Information

A Pending 1% Payson Sales Tax/TPT Increase?

Transparent Payson has sometimes been labeled “conjecture,” “speculation,” and other choice things.   The fiscal issues facing our community are coming into focus every day.   The current issue?   A potential 1% sales tax increase.   The sales tax (TPT) rate for Payson is 9.48%.   That comprises 5.6% State Tax, 1% Gila County Tax, and 2.88% Town […]