An appearance on KMOG and a Court Update

KMOG has always been very generous with airtime to our group, and their generosity continues.   Access to local media is essential for voter involvement and engagement, but accessing non-biased media can be challenging.  Jeffrey Aal and Paul Frommelt will be in the studio on Saturday, the 7th, at 9:00 a.m.   Counsel for Transparent Payson, Tim LaSota, will join us by phone.   Mr. LaSota specializes in government practice, including election law, lobbying, regulatory, administrative, licensing law, land use, and specialized litigation involving governmental entities as clients and adversaries.*

* Emphasis added.  While Mr. LaSota works for governments, he also works against them. We believe a balanced approach is always best.

During our time on KMOG, we may cover some critical local issues.

  • We hope to discuss issues specific to the recent bond authorization, the biggest pitfall is if the State outlaws tax on food consumption.  But for Governor Hobb’s veto, it was almost done.  Oklahoma just recently accomplished it.  A lot can happen at the state level to impact the projected revenue sources over twenty-five years.
  • We hope to discuss the emergency ordinance use.  That tool is, unfortunately, 100% legal.
  • There appear to be missteps in the process specific to Payson.
  • We hope to address Payson’s future and a restoration of confidence in local government with some potential paths forward on that prospect.  Our group advocates for citizens’ input via voting.  We are not fans of backroom deals, emergency ordinances, and executive sessions.  Some government agencies have refocused themselves with appropriate outside oversight.

Listener participation is always encouraged. Please feel free to call with your questions during the show at 928-474-2427.  If you cannot tune in to the radio locally at FM 103.3/AM 1420, the show may be accessed via the web at the KMOG home page on this link.  We typically post the audio after any broadcast, such as these appearances from December 29thMay 13th via KPJM, and August 2nd.  There are others.

Again, thank you to KMOG.  Local, honest media is essential to the conversation, and we appreciate the opportunity.

We do have an update on our legal efforts.

Transparent Payson has become a voter rights group by necessity. Voters’ rights are essential to a democracy at any level. We filed a suit against the Town of Payson for disregarding the Voters Protection Act.  The original complaint addressed the use of an emergency ordinance, which was subsequently removed.

Our group did not prevail at the Superior Court level, so we filed an appeal. If the VPA does not apply locally, there is no basis for any initiative unless the Town agrees. Voters across Arizona will be neutered at the local level. The Town argues that voters in charter cities have greater rights than other cities or towns.  For a right to be a right, it must apply equally to all citizens.

The Appellate Brief was filed on August 27th. The Town will file a response. The process is slow—prolonged—and expensive.  We can use your help.  Please donate.

Opening Brief of Transparent Payson

082724 Transparent Payson Opening Brief


  • If you disagree with the government overriding the citizens' valid vote...


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    If you want to mail a check, our mailing address is 1422 N. Sunrise Court, Payson, AZ  85541.  Or, if you prefer, contact us by phone, and we can arrange a pickup.  480  (dash - stop bots) 628 (dash bots) 6818.  If you want to donate online, we use Crowd Pac.


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     The committee is legally obligated to collect demographic and employment information. We are required to collect information on contributions of $200.00 or more. 

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