Local Election Madness Is Over

The local elections have come to a close with the recount. We should all celebrate that we can vote and advocate for change. We live in a fabulous Country, and the rights and freedoms we are given must be cherished. Democracy is important.  We want to congratulate all the Payson candidates for their efforts.

Entering the local election ring is not easy; the size of our community does not change that and may make it more difficult.  Our neighbors vote for and against, and the chances of seeing them out and about are likely.   Many people are pleased with the outcome, and many people are disappointed.  It was a good race for all.

We want to congratulate our successful local election neighbors:

      • Mr. Steve Otto

      • Mr. Jim Ferris

      • Mr. Charlie Bell

      • Mr. Dallin Haws

      • Mr. Scott Nossek

  • Mr. Steve Otto
  • Mr. Jim Ferris
  • Mr. Charlie Bell
  • Mr. Dallin Haws
  • Mr. Scott Nossek

Voting for our local election seats is not about political party, nor should it be.  It should be about who wants to best serve in these seats to represent the people and how we move forward as a community.

As the votes came in, there were discussions on “respect” regarding local election politics.  As an observation, at all levels,  we are often struck by how people who show no respect call for civil discourse or tone down rhetoric after failing to do so.  The lack of reciprocal respect is where the wheels fall off the bus.  That is not unique to the Town of Payson, although the Town of Payson is very adept at it.  Local governments have outright contempt for the cash cow citizens.  On May 24th, 2023, the Town attempted to stifle protected free speech and has attempted other heavy-handed techniques.   Towns will routinely slow walk record requests that may show them in a poor light.  Some long-sitting incumbents were voted out.

Fare thee well, Christopher.

Forgive people if they are tired of the condescending nature of elected officials when they take a moment to celebrate a victory.  If that celebration appears disrespectful, that is unfortunate.  Respect is a two-way street.  The sitting Town Council has an upcoming agenda to pass a bond issuance and commit to contracts.  Is that respectful or spiteful?  That will be discussed soon enough.

When times are tough, prices keep rising, incomes are stretched, and taxes keep increasing, we must consider our finances when spending.  There is a cry in Town for growth; some don’t want any growth.  More than likely, we all want the same thing: A vibrant, prosperous community.  We may disagree on how we get there.  Citizen involvement and “buy-in” via the ballot box on large-scale projects appear fundamental to that process.  The growth plan, when implemented, needs to be successful.  Not everything will flourish in our little spot of paradise.  Not all money spent will bring the change wanted.  We must keep our finances in mind when spending and measure the chances of the desired outcome.

Election season is rough on all fronts.  Be kind to your neighbors.

Again, congratulations to the local election victors.


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