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One week left!
We have an event Friday 8/24 6:00 – 8:00pm
(See the bottom of this post)
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Can’t say that enough. The opposition has gotten, well, challenging. As a group we have conducted ourselves well. That reflects on each of us. So, thank you! When you have the stronger position, there is no need to become nasty.
That does not mean we are not above some “creative” marketing efforts.
Want more? How about this story?
Because local politics is fun….
Buddy Dave (Also running for Town Council) was at a car show. He called and said he was approached by a lady who is running for, yes you guessed it, Town Council, who asked him to leave the car show at The Home Depot because he was wearing a shirt in support of two local propositions; 401 and 402. I am a little biased towards them, well, cause I wrote them.
So, me being me….. I put on my “Yes on 401 / 402 Transparent Payson” shirt and go to the The Home Depot car show. I was soon accosted. Told I had to leave. Told it was private property. Told all sorts of things. Last one I was told was nice lady was going to go get Homer to talk to me.
Homer, nor the nice lady offended by the “Yes on 401 / 402” shirt, ever showed back up. Stood around looking at cars, eating a hot dog, waited for buddy Dave to come back. He did with more people wearing “yes” shirts and a few hats for various candidates. We all enjoyed the show and hot dogs.
I suspect there may be a ruckus at the next car show meeting about proper car show attire? Guess next time I will pick a more appropriate costume.
Here is buddy Dave. (Sorry, Dave, thought I got your foot long in the picture, but, my bad…. Looks like just the tip?)
Good times……..
Despite all that fun….
We have managed to do some productive stuff. Four updates on the Transparent Payson Website. Click on these links:
Ordinary citizens can decide complex issues. Defy the myth!
The Big Lie
Placing our trust with the voters
Stick it to ‘Em! – Phoenix Proposition 200, Chapter 26 and 27
The fun was more fun! Back to the fun!
For those that don’t have Facebook, we have been doing the “Sixteen Days Till Election” (Sung to the tune of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”)
On the First day of elections the Mayor said to me:
“There was no need for bids; we did it for the kids!”
Chorus: “Avoooooiiiiiiiid two hock….ey rinks!”
Vote YES on Propositions 401 and 402.
We figured as the opposition won’t give any valid reasons to vote against the Propositions, and in the spirit of good sportsmanship, we could provide them with some catchy sayings to help their efforts along. Think they will appreciate it? (All tongue in cheek of course)
#YourMoney #YourLand #YourVOTE
The whole list…..
“There was no need for bids; we did it for the kids!”
“It will make a mark, all over YOUR precious park”
“Don’t be a fool; you know we need this school.”
“Of course we can fudge-it: no one checks the budget!”
“Our hearts are the purest; we really need the tourists.”
“With YOUR bucks; we can buy some hockey pucks.”
“Don’t be a Scrooge; we’re gonna build something huge!”
“We all must rally; they will come from the valley.”
“There is only a little doom; coming from that back room.”
“Transparency is over rated; really should be hated.”
BONUS:“You should be ecstatic; this won’t be problematic.”
“If it’s not in the budget; don’t you begrudge it.”
“We will try and save the trees for YOUR lovely bees!”
“What about the teens; don’t worry about the liens!”
“Don’t disagree; it really is for free!”
“Don’t you ever fret about the long term debt”
“No need for review; until the bills are due”
Events? The one flyer will be changed slightly, but for now it works.