Frequently asked questions. (FAQ’s)

Sometimes things are assumed but you know what they say about that…

You may have a question about Transparent Payson, and it may be one we get often!  If you read our FAQ’s and find that your question isn’t answered, then ask us!  Use our “Contact Us” form.

Why the name “Transparent Payson?”

Our goal is greater “transparency” in decisions by the Town involving long term debt or use of public lands.  Citizens have an absolute right to make funding choices and determine the use of public spaces.

I want a Rec Center!

So do we! We just want to make sure that any final decision is fair and equitable for everyone; Especially the town’s residents. We also want a transparent process.  One that accounts for all groups, not a private developer’s wishes. The two are not exclusive goals.

Is Transparent Payson affiliated with any political group?

No.  We are citizens of Payson, Arizona, striving to make our local government more transparent.  We believe in the people voting on what happens with their money, their land, and their town.  We believe that elected officials are there to serve the public; as such, we should have a voice in making decisions that affect us all.  We are nonpartisan/bipartisan with no party affiliation, no hidden agenda. We believe in Payson, Arizona, and its future.

Does the group want to prevent growth?

No.  Our goal is NOT to prevent Town projects but to ensure transparency in all negotiations, discussions, and contracts that affect your town.  If the citizens approve the funding through an election, or if the citizens approve the lease of public land to complete the project, we would support that effort 100%Learn More.

Does Transparent Payson want to undermine the local government?

No.  Ultimately, the foundation of a democratic government, in any form, republic, representative democracy, or direct democracy, is based on the people’s sovereignty. You may have heard the phrase “consent of the governed.” Repealing the people’s will does not appear to reconcile with the “consent of the governed.”  Learn more.

Are the issues defended by Transparent Payson important?

Yes. Propositions 401 and 402 are a matter of debate at the local level. We hope that all who are against or in favor of them can agree that democracy and voter rights are essential. Having a say, an opinion, and having our thoughts taken into account for how our community, our state, and our country operates is an integral part of this country.  Learn more.

At the heart of that western freedom and democracy is the belief that the individual man, the child of God, is the touchstone of value, and all society, all groups, and states, exist for that person’s benefit.

Hand in hand with freedom of speech goes the power to be heard – to share in the decisions of government which shape men’s lives.” 

Robert F. Kennedy in 1966 on the day of Affirmation

Government is not the authority: Citizens are the authority.  Learn more.

How can I help?

We welcome YOUR involvement in this process.  All support helps, whether donations or simply spreading the word. You are appreciated.

Dare we say, support the cause.

Thank you.

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  • Recent Updates

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      Payson Town Council Incumbents? Vote.  Them.  Out! Payson has a grocery tax of 3.48%. Payson’s sales tax is 10.48%, the seventh highest in the state. Incumbents plan large-scale projects with no voter input on debt. Incumbents use […]
    • Time to vote! Let the incumbents know what you think.
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    • An Award for Affordable Housing
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    • The Initial Verdict Is In
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    • Private gain at the public trough – you decide.
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    • Trial update and appearance on KMOG
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  • A Healthy Government Does NOT Suppress Free Speech.



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  • A History of Transparent Payson


    Where it started, and where we are now. 

     A history of Transparent Payson


    We have been involved in voters' rights since 2018.

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