Trial is scheduled for April 19th at 1:30

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To finance the Town’s list of projects Town Council increased the TPT/Sales tax.  That tax becomes effective on May 1st.  The rate will be 10.48%.  Some people tithe.  The TPT/ Sales tax rate is higher than a tithe.  Many, not just Christians, give for a multitude of reasons.   Typically, a tithe refers to a tenth of one’s income because the word means “tenth,” but it is often generalized to mean any amount of money set aside for God.  We think it is money set aside for Good.  For Christians, the Bible addresses giving in the book of Matthew.

King James Bible
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Has the Town of Payson lost track of “matters of the law, judgment, mercy.” The voters will decide in the upcoming elections.  The TPT/sales tax increase includes an additional 1% on food and is against historic inflation rates.  Don’t take our word for it.  “U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021.  U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020.  U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019.”  Food has increased exponentially.  “Since COVID began in March 2020, the cost of food at home has jumped 24.6%.”

The projects will be financed without voter input. Some argue that we live in a “representative democracy.” That is true, but we also live in a direct democracy at the local level. The Town has also recently agreed to lease public lands with an option to buy. Payson Council votes to address affordable housing | Local News |  Your money, your land, NOT your vote.

Before the trial, Transparent Payson and The Town of Payson had to file Trial Memorandums.   Both are attached below in .pdf format.  They are interesting to read.  Curiously, the Town did not include information in their memorandum about the standing/vote count included in the original cross-complaint. That may be found here.

The trial, before the Honorable Michael Latham, is scheduled for 1:30.  If you cannot attend, you may access the hearings via YouTube.  CLICK HERE for Payson Courtroom on YouTube.  Regardless of Friday’s outcome, we suspect the fight will continue through the appeal process.  Arizona has two appellate courts: the Court of Appeals is the intermediate appellate court, and the Supreme Court is the court of last resort. We are uncertain if a ruling will be made on Friday.  We will update as we can.


Trial Memorandum, Transparent Payson.


Transparent Payson – Trial Memorandum

Trial Memorandum, Town of Payson.




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