Thank you to the Round up for their coverage of our last speaking event.
Our goal is engagement and the process. Any news coverage is helpful in that regard. A good process, including good debate, will ensure a good outcome. We appreciate that the article touched on a number of topics and was balanced. The picture? We again appreciate the article was balanced.
Generally we refrain from posting others works in their entirety. This time is no exception. Some blurbs for you, but please review the original on the Roundup’s Site. If you don’t have a subscription, please purchase one to support local businesses.
The Full article can be found here:
Group trying to get two initiatives on August ballot that could impact Rumsey Park plans
The blurb:
Now Aal is leading efforts to get two initiatives placed on the August ballot. They need to collect a minimum of 1,400 signatures by April 30 to get them on the ballot, but they hope to collect 1,800 as a buffer.
The first, a debt obligation initiative, would require a vote of the people if the town wants to take out a revenue bond or that involves a contract or lease in excess of $1 million.
The second would require the town to get voter approval for leases longer than three years.
“We tried to mitigate unintended consequences,” Aal said, tailoring the language of the initiatives to fit the Rumsey Park project.
A second blurb:
“Again, I am a process guy. Our town process is broken. Every safeguard we have in place, from town staff, to town legal, town manager, town council and to some extent, local media, has seemingly failed trying to get the winning lotto ticket.”
The article does reference a follow up email, that in its entirety, is as follows:
Good morning Alexis,
Thank you for your questions last night. After the meeting several people told me who you were. As I stated last night, I am a “process guy.” This process has had several areas of failure along the way. When the process fails, collectively we all suffer. When it is down to one person to ensure the process, we are all in a world of hurt. I would like to outline some process failures for you.
In July 2017 the Parks Department was discussing a RFQ / RFP.
In August 2017 an executive session was held to explore a rec center.
September 2017 the Council voted for the contract.The failures?
No RFP / RFQ per the Town Procurement Policy. Parks and Rec knew one was required. Town Legal should have known?
Town Manager recently stated the Town can’t afford a $20,000.00 upgrade on computers, but said yes to a $125,000 expenditure?
The contract has significant long term, high dollar concessions.
The “advisor” CCP has a vested interest in a positive outcome of their “study.”
Town staff did not vet or research the players; it took me 15 minutes.
Nobody asked the basic question of can it be placed on North Rumsey given the deed restrictions?
The public messaging has been in flux as dictated by public response.
There has been very little “transparency” as reflected by my records requests.
KMOG, Randy Roberson, has a conflict as he sits on the Parks Board. He has dismissed my concerns as “conjecture.”
KRIM is owned by Council member Higgins.
The Roundup? Again, I appreciate your questions last night.I could go on, but you get the idea.
In no way shape or form am I anti-growth, anti-rec center, etc. I simply recognize there are no shortcuts. If there were shortcuts in town growth or life, we would all be on the beach drinking rum or driving Mercedes. Our sidewalks would be paved with gold. Sadly, that is not the case. It can be; but it takes work and planning. No shortcuts. No magic bullet. No winning lotto ticket.
Again, I am a process guy. Sometimes I don’t like the process, oftentimes I don’t like the outcome. I value the process. I respect the process. When I am the last guy asking questions, the last guy trying to preserve the process, despite all the safeguards, we have real problems beyond the proposed deal. Our town process is broken. Every safeguard we have in place, from Town staff, to Town Legal, Town Manager, Town Council and to some extent, local media, has seemingly failed trying to get the winning lotto ticket. The magic bullet.
Trust me, nobody ever wants to take on an uphill battle. Nobody wants to be subject to the social media scorn, or the snide comments of people from the platform. Nobody wants their legitimate concerns dismissed. Had somebody told me a year ago I would be in this position, I would have said “no.”
I am pleased others have been extremely helpful and supportive along the way. That the group continues to grow shows me that others value the process. The process is the key. Not the outcome.
I honestly don’t know what the outcome will be. I do know that I will have done my part to ensure the process was honored.
Again, thank you for the questions last night.
If you would like us to speak to you group, explain the issues, answer questions, by all means please contact us and we will be happy to get your group on the schedule.
We will of course update this site on future speaking events, etc as we move forward.
Oh yea, the picture? Do we have to? Transparency and all……