Is Transparent Payson a subversive group?

Some have stated that we should allow elected officials to “do their job” as they were elected to do.  It would seem that if we trust the electorate to elect officials, we should extend that trust in the electorate who passed the propositions. It appears illogical to only agree with an election result when the outcome is one you favor. That question is a much larger discussion.

Some have stated the Propositions were/are “illegal.” If they were “illegal,” why would the Council attempt to repeal them? Why would that action be required if they were not legal?

There has been rhetoric that our efforts are “undermining the republic.” That is an excellent sound bite; it makes our efforts appear subversive. Arguing that our efforts “undermine the republic” places the needs of the government before the needs of the people. A “republic” means that the government is representative, and the term “republic” is generally reserved for a leadership position such as a president. Even an autocratic government can be a “republic.” The Town of Payson is a representative democracy. That is, the citizens elect representatives, and they act on behalf of the citizens. The subtle nuances of the definitions make for interesting discussion and debate. The rhetoric does not include an essential element.

Ultimately, the foundation of a democratic government, in any form, republic, representative democracy, or direct democracy, is based on the people’s sovereignty. You may have heard the phrase “consent of the governed.” Repealing the people’s will does not appear to reconcile with the “consent of the governed.” A republic or representative democracy loses legitimacy when it acts against the people’s sovereignty. The supreme power is vested in the people, not the government.

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