The Initial Verdict Is In

We are not surprised at the outcome. The Court Order/ verdict is attached in its entirety below as a PDF. The potential next step is an appeal. The Board will meet with Counsel to discuss this.

Any potential appeal relies on donations.  It cannot be accomplished without your funding.  If voters’ rights are essential to you, if you believe the Town has an obligation when leasing Town/Public land for private gain, if you believe the Town has an obligation to have large-scale projects approved by the citizens:  Please, donate now.

Mayor Higgns took the opportunity to post on social media, presumably on behalf of the Town of Payson, sharing the verdict.  We understand it is good to be vindicated.  We also understand the process is not over.  The first round may well be a Pyrrhic victory.   Ultimately, it damages long-term progress.  What is clear is that the Town knows best.  The list of well-intentioned politicians’ failures is endless.  The list of bureaucratic failures is equally as endless.  They all share a common cause.  When the consequences are felt, those involved will no longer be involved.  A copy of the Mayor’s post is below.

We don’t understand Mr. Higgins’s animosity towards former Mayor Morrisey.   Town Manager Smith testified that the Propositions should not have been placed on the ballot.  We don’t understand the lack of animosity towards then Town Legal or then Town Clerk.  We don’t understand how the Mayor can take apparent joy in overriding 60% of the citizens.  You can decide if it qualifies as “gloating.” It appears there is a disconnect between the Town government and the citizens.  The post by the Mayor does nothing to heal that rift or address the disconnect.  Voters can decide if that is the type of leadership they want for the Town.

  • Are you ok with the Town’s recent 35% sales tax increase?
  • Are you content with the council’s nullification of 60% of the votes cast by Payson’s voters to pass the citizens’ initiatives Propositions 401 and 402?
  • Are you satisfied with the Town Council passing multiple unpopular ordinances by emergency decree, bypassing any voter input?
  • Do you think the council knows better than you do regarding what’s best for you and your family?

If not, then carefully review the options for this coming election.  If not, then please donate.

The time is now. Please donate.

If you are satisfied, then no action is required.


NOT Your Money.  NOT your Land.  NOT your vote. 

Your tax burden?  Yes. 

Mayor Higgins Post


The Court Order

050224 ORDER Granting Payson Counterclaim


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